he DD Form 1380, TCCC Card is the standardized method for documentation of casualty care in the prehospital environment for battle and non-battle injuries. The DD Form 1380 promotes Department of Defense goals of capturing documentation of pre-hospital medical interventions at the point-of-injury. First responders, to include clinical providers, will document treatment using the current TCCC guidelines.
This content was designed for use in the Tactical Combat Casualty Care for All Service Members Course (TCCC ASM), and is intended for nonmedical personnel.
The Joint Trauma System (JTS) establishes the standard of care for prehospital battlefield medicine for the Department of Defense. The JTS is part of the Defense Health Agency providing clinical practice guidelines and performance improvement for all levels of military trauma care.
The JTS is supported by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) which is composed of representatives from across the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines develops clinical practice guidelines for the delivery of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) on the battlefield.
For all your medical training needs and real-world mission needs feel free to reach out to us at www.911tacmed.com
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FREE TCCC Card DD-1380
Get your free download for TCCC Cards / DD-1380. This stuff is free so please take it and download it here, print it off and laminate of if you need to, punch a hole in it and put a rubber band on it. After words put that sucker in your IFAK and your teams IFAKs. Then go get a sharpie (small one) and you are set.
#TCCC #Documentation #CoTCCC #TacticalMedicine #Emergency #tacticalParamedic, #DD1380 #TECC #Tacmed #Fire #EMS #EMT